We have always seen that natural remedies are preferred when it comes to tackling skin problems the stubborn hormonal acne is no exception.but in this battle against zits you are not alone many happen to be victim too.There are a few tried and tested treatments that work like a charm
Here some home remedies to help you to get rid of hormoal acne.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can help get rid of acne
When diluted with water here's what to do.
Mix three parts of water with one part of Apple cider vinegar and apply it on the
Affected areas leave it for20 seconds then wash off with water the succinic acid in Apple cider vinegar has anti inflammatory properties while the lactic acid has amazing scar lightening powers it can even soak up the excess oil and dry out the acne.
Sugar yogurt scrub
Add a teaspoon of sugar to two teaspoons ofyogurt and exfoliate your skin gently with this natural scrub to remove the dead skin and dirt deposited on the top of your skin do this twice a week and you 'll be sorted.
Aloe Vera
Directly pluck a portion from the plant remove the peel apply it straight on the face Ang gently massage the gel into the skin while the salicylic acid and sulphur present in aloe Vera help to fight a acne it also moisturiser the face without making it oily.
Green tea bags
Instead of throwing away those used green tea bags rub them gently on your face.the antioxidants present in green tea can remove toxins from your skin and help lower sebum production.
A citric mask
Mix lemon juice and orange juice apply on it on the Affected part area leave it on for ten fifteen minutes and rinse it off with water soon you will witness the magic of citric acidfrom both lemon and orange on your skin.do this at least twice week for desired results.